Zoltan Kaprinay ranked 12th in the Marketing & Media magazine's list.
The story behind Hungary's most successful e-health project
Our heatmap shows that people tend to choose their doctor based on their profile picture.
Zoltan Kaprinay ranked 12th in the Marketing & Media magazine's list.
Our heatmap shows that people tend to choose their doctor based on their profile picture.
A győri Széchenyi István Egyetem Spinoff Klubjának célja, hogy ösztönözze hallgatóit saját vállalkozásuk elindítására, formálja szemléletmódjukat, perspektívát mutasson számukra. A program keretében az Index.hu,
The key, according to the owners of the market-leading social shopping company, is starting at the right time and doing it with heart and soul.