The field of coaching has been flooded with self-proclaimed experts


Zoltan Kaprinay shared that many top executives experience loneliness at the peak of their careers, often struggling to admit even to themselves that they need help. Zoltan Kaprinay, one of the founders of and Bónusz Brigád, the first manager of the A38 Ship, and advisor to several well-known companies such as Magyar Telekom (formerly Westel) and Ringier Publishing.

As an entrepreneur and business consultant, more precisely working as a sparring partner in business, a role that could be described as an intellectual personal trainer, he introduces a fundamentally new approach. We asked the expert about the state of the coaching field.


Picture of Kaprinay Zoltán

Zoltan Kaprinay

I'm Zoltan Kaprinay, a serial entrepreneur, innovator, builder of several successful businesses, and founder of, Bónusz Brigád, and CreativeDock Hungary. As a business sparring partner, I help senior executives, businesses, teams, and top leaders develop skills and achieve business goals.

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