

I could talk for hours about how often I’ve seen leaders hold themselves back from being more successful.

Just like I do. I always smile when I catch myself doing it.

Recently, I was talking to my friend Attila about how I got stuck at a certain level in a game and couldn’t progress any further.

After a while, he suggested, “What if you lowered the difficulty from the hardest level to just one step lower?”

Wow. That thought had never even occurred to me.

Why am I making things harder for myself? In a game I play to enjoy and relax. I still smile whenever I think about it.

Since then, I’ve been playing on the easiest level, probably because I’m no longer in my twenties. Even so, life is full of challenges and difficulties, so I’m really enjoying it.

What’s truly shocking is that it had never crossed my mind before that I could choose an easier difficulty.

And this is just a game.

What about life?

Picture of Kaprinay Zoltán

Zoltan Kaprinay

I'm Zoltan Kaprinay, a serial entrepreneur, innovator, builder of several successful businesses, and founder of, Bónusz Brigád, and CreativeDock Hungary. As a business sparring partner, I help senior executives, businesses, teams, and top leaders develop skills and achieve business goals.

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